History Of Inca Civilization

15th Century CE:

     *Their 1st leader Pachakuti (Reverser Of The World). They Expanded land & resource production and conquered people such as Lupaka, Colla, Chimor & Wanka Civilizations. In that time, their empire has a 4,00 km. land area coverage (2,500 miles). Language: *Their Language is mainly Quechua or Runasimi, They have no written language. They kept records by knotting strings of different colors called Quipus. They have at least 20-30 Different Languages. Empire: *Inca means “Empire” w/c is also called as Tawantinsuyo or Tahuantinsuyu (The Land Of The Four Quarters). These 4 quarters are sacred sighting lines called Ceques”.

  • Chichaysuyu (North)
  • Collasuyu (South)
  • Antisuyu (East)
  • Cuntisuyu (West)

*They built a city-state under Manco Capac in Northwest of the lake Titicaea, Cuzco

*Population: 12 million people

*Emperor: Inca – “A Descendant of the Sun God

*Area Coverage: *Spreading across Ancient Ecuador, Peru, Northern Chile, Bolivia, Upland Argentina & Southern Columbia. *This Time, their land coverage is about 5,500 km (3,000 Miles).

*Government & Administration:

  • Kings:

     *Pachakuti (1438-68 CE)

     *Yupanki (1471-93 CE)

     *Wayna Qhapaq (1493-1525 CE)

     *Sapa Inca (Absolute Rulers)

*These Kings are very rich, they use golden materials for their utensils in drinking & eating. As well high quality rooms for their children & wife.

*After The Death of Sapa Inca, he is stored in Coricanha Temple, the mummies (mallquis), were also there.

*11th century, they settled in the valley of the Andes. Incas are highly organized.


*It is the capital of Incan Civilizations, which is made up of dried-up lake beds & temples lined with beaten gold.

*Architecture & Art:

*They Have Imposing Buildings.

*They Adapt to what they are in, what natural landscape there is.

*Best seen in Highly Polished Metal Works.

*They are influenced by the Chimu.


*Persons were categorized according to their age and ability to work

*The government controlled the private lives of the individuals

*Most of them are farmers. The people learned to raise crops on terraced hillside plots. Other Incas were expert weavers and pottery makers. Some worked in mines digging gold, silver and copper. Incas also had advanced knowledge in medicine. They knew how to set broken bones, perform amputations and surgery.

*They had no formal education. The young men of the noble class were trained in warfare and religious duties.


*The Empire became to weaken because of constant political bickering and uncertainties in newly controlled territories and because of the Small Pox epidemic from the Spaniards in the region.

3 thoughts on “History Of Inca Civilization

  1. hi. you did not indicate the sources of your data.
    What about the contribution of the 2 other members – what did they contribute?


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