Myths Of Creation

1st Myth:
     *Viracocha, The Creator God, created all ethnic groups and the sun.
*He came out of the Pacific Ocean to Lake Titicaea.

2nd Myth:
*The Sun God, Inti, burst out the Incas after being buried by the gods & finally emerged from the springs & rocks, called Sacred Pacrinas. Their existence is at Tiwangku. And being born by the God of the Sun lead them on being The Children of the Sun”.

3rd Myth:
*Incas came from a sacred cave known as Tampu T’ago, or The House Of Windows, at Pacariqtambo, The Inn of Dawn, South Of Cuzqo.
*The 1st pair of humans were Manco Capac & Mama Oqllu.
*The children of these 2 found the civilization.
*They defeated the Chanca People, with the help of the Stone Warriors (Puraraucos).
*Settled in the Valley of Cuzco & Manco Capac.
*Being Their Capital, Cuzco.

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