Timeline Of Inca Civilization

1100 CE: The Inca, led by Manco Capac, migrate to the Cuzco Valley and establish their capital at Cuzco.
1425 CE – 1532 CE: The Inca Empire flourishes in South America.
1425 CE: Viracocha Inca begins to build the Inca empire.
1438 CE – 1471 CE: Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui reigns as the leader of the Inca Empire.
1438 CE: Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui defeats the Chancas to control the Cuzco Valley and further expand the Inca empire.
1438 CE: Pachacunti Inca Yupanqui begins a rebuilding programme in the Inca capital of Cuzco.
1450 CE: Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui founds Machu Picchu in the High Andes.
1470 CE: The Incas conquer the Chimor civilization based at Chan Chan.
1471 CE – 1493 CE: Reign of Inca Tupac Yupanqui who doubles the size of the Inca Empire.
1493 CE – 1526 CE: Huayna Capac reigns as Inca leader and constructs fortresses, religious temples and roads throughout the empire.
1510 CE: The Inca abandon the settlement of Machu Picchu.
1526 CE – 1532 CE: Civil war between the Inca leaders Huáscar and Atahualpa. Atahualpa wins.
1530 CE: The Inca empire reaches its greatest extent.
1532 CE: Pizarro and the Spanish conquistadors arrive in South America.
1532 CE: Battle of Cajamarca where the Inca leader Atahualpa is captured and held for ransom by Spanish forces led by Pizarro.
1533 CE: The Inca leader Atahualpa is executed.
1533 CE: Pizarro takes the Inca capital of Cuzco.
1535 CE: Pizarro founds Lima as the capital of Spanish Peru.

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